The REAL story about the

A. C. LOVEKIN Cedar  Tree:

The giant cedar (photo at left) died  after surviving a lightning strike many, many years ago.  The story (as mentioned by the previous owner in the YouTube video below) regarding how the spiked-shoe marks were made on the tree (and passed along by many locals) is that, during World War II, the elder men in town would take turns  climbing to the top and -while sitting on a chair - watched for Japanese bombers flying over (I was told this was a 24 hours a day duty).
Thank goodness the grandson of the original owner/builders - Cort Hooper - dropped by and told us the real story:  Christopher Columbus Hooper (better known as CC), after building his cabin, decided that the over 100 foot tree was leaning towards the house.  He would put on his spiked shoes and climb to the point of the tree where the lean started and sawed away.  Judging by the cleat marks, this went on for some time.

Oh, and what about the chair?  After cutting the leaning limb, CC Hooper put a chair on top to take advantage of the view.

Just in case you were wondering...No Japanese bombers ever made it past Idyllwild.


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